Thursday 17 December 2009

Portfolio Deadlines

Final Deadlines:
1. Film. Friday 12 Feb
2. Completed Blog Friday 26 Feb

Interim Deadlines
1. You should start filming as soon as we return after Christmas
2. Fri 8 Jan Posting research on Repertoire of elements:
3. Fri 15 Jan Posting research on similar films watched:
4. Fri 22 Jan Posting reaearch on target audience:
5 Fri 29 Jan Posting planning documents:
6. Fri 29 Jan Posting Animated storyboard and locations:
7. Fri 5 Feb Posting details of how and why you filmed:
8. Fri 12 Feb Posting evaluation question answers:

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Foundation Portfolio

The Film
The opening two minutes of a fiction film including titles and sound

The Blog
Blog has 3 sections

Genre: Repertoire of Elements. From sources

Similar films: Conventions, style.etc from watching the films

Target Audience: Why? Be specific. How are you going to appeal to them? How do you know?

Theories and issues

Locations photos



Time plan

Step by step, what you planned to do and what you did do


Questions will appear later
Repertoire of Elements includes

Mise en scene
Style - Lighting, use of camera, editing
Characters and relationships
Representation - Gender, class, age. race, disablity
Examples of films which illustrate these ideas
Conform / subvert